Issue: In Drupal, can we group ApacheSolr search autocomplete suggestions bundle wise?
For example, if we have three bundle types, those are article, product and company. When we type a keyword in the search box, it should give us the options to search in keyword in article, keyword in product and keyword in company. Also, we need a separate suggestion count for each bundle. There is a dropdown box for listing bundle type options on the right side of the searchbox. We used Custom Search module for displaying this dropdownbox as an advanced search criteria.
We can achieve this option by overriding Apachesolr Autocomplete module by customizing the ApacheSolr Search Query.
Please see the modified ‘apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest’ function from apachesolr_autocomplete.module.
function apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest($keys, $params, $orig_keys, $suggestions_to_return = 5) {
$matches = array();
$suggestions = array();
$keys = trim($keys);
// We need the keys array to make sure we don't suggest words that are already
// in the search terms.
$keys_array = explode(' ', $keys);
$keys_array = array_filter($keys_array);
// Query Solr for $keys so that suggestions will always return results.
$query = apachesolr_drupal_query($keys);
// This hook allows modules to modify the query and params objects.
drupal_alter('apachesolr_query', $query);
if (!$query) {
return array();
foreach ($params as $param => $paramValue) {
$query->addParam($param, $paramValue);
// Query Solr
$response = $query->search($keys);
// Loop through requested fields and get suggestions.
foreach ($params['facet.field'] as $field) {
foreach ($response->facet_counts->facet_fields->{$field} as $terms => $count) {
$terms = preg_replace('/[_-]+/', ' ', $terms);
foreach (explode(' ', $terms)Â as $term) {
if ($term = trim(preg_replace('/['. PREG_CLASS_UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY .']+/u', '', $term))) {
if (isset($matches[$term])) {
$matches[$term] += $count;
else {
$matches[$term] = $count;
if (sizeof($matches) > 0) {
// Eliminate suggestions that are stopwords or are already in the query.
$matches_clone = $matches;
$stopwords = apachesolr_autocomplete_get_stopwords();
foreach ($matches_clone as $term => $count) {
if ((strlen($term) > 3) && !in_array($term, $stopwords) && !array_search($term, $keys_array)) {
// Longer strings get higher ratings.
#$matches_clone[$term] += strlen($term);
else {
// Don't suggest terms that are too frequent (in >90% of results).
$max_occurence =Â $response->response->numFound * 0.90;
foreach ($matches_clone as $match => $count) {
if ($count > $max_occurence) {
// The $count in this array is actually a score. We want the highest ones first.
// Shorten the array to the right ones.
$matches_clone = array_slice($matches_clone, 0, $suggestions_to_return, TRUE);
// Add current search as suggestion if results > 0
if ($response->response->numFound > 0 && $keys != '') {
// Add * to array element key to force into a string, else PHP will
// renumber keys that look like numbers on the returned array.
$suggestions['*' . $keys] = array('theme' => 'apachesolr_autocomplete_highlight', 'keys' => $keys, 'suggestion' => $keys, 'count' => $response->response->numFound);
// Build suggestions using returned facets
foreach ($matches_clone as $match => $count) {
if ($keys != $match) {
$suggestion = trim($keys . ' ' . $match);
// On cases where there are more than 3 keywords, omit displaying
//Â the count because of the mm settings in solrconfig.xml
if (substr_count($suggestion, ' ') >= 2) {
$count = 0;
if ($suggestion != '') {
// Add * to array element key to force into a string, else PHP will
// renumber keys that look like numbers on the returned array.
$suggestions['*' . $suggestion] = array('theme' => 'apachesolr_autocomplete_highlight', 'keys' => $orig_keys, 'suggestion' => $suggestion, 'count' => $count);
/* Here our custom code starts */
$suggkey = $suggestion;
// Returns the basic set of parameters for the Solr query.
$suggparams = apachesolr_autocomplete_basic_params(0.2);
$suggparams['facet.prefix'] = $suggkey;
$suggquery = apachesolr_drupal_query($suggkey);
drupal_alter('apachesolr_query', $suggquery);
$suggparam = array();
foreach ($suggparams as $suggparam => $suggparamValue) {
$suggquery->addParam($suggparam, $suggparamValue);
// Specify bundle types as facet query parameters for determining counts.
$suggquery->addParam('facet.query', 'bundle:article);
$suggquery->addParam('facet.query', 'bundle:product);
$suggquery->addParam('facet.query', 'bundle:company);
// Provides a content search implementation for node content for use with the Apache Solr search application.
$suggresponse = $suggquery->search($suggkey);
// Retrieve the unique count for each bundle type.
$articlecount = $suggresponse->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'bundle:article'};
$productcount = $suggresponse->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'bundle:product'};
$companycount = $suggresponse->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'bundle:company’};
// Add into suggestions array
$suggestions['*' . $suggestion"] = theme('apachesolr_autocomplete_highlight', array('keys' => $orig_keys, 'suggestion' => $suggestion, 'count' => $articlecount, 'bundle_suggest' => 'article'));
$suggestions['*' . $suggestion"] = theme('apachesolr_autocomplete_highlight', array('keys' => $orig_keys, 'suggestion' => $suggestion, 'count' => $productcount, 'bundle_suggest' => 'product'));
$suggestions['*' . $suggestion"] = theme('apachesolr_autocomplete_highlight', array('keys' => $orig_keys, 'suggestion' => $suggestion, 'count' => $companycount, 'bundle_suggest' => 'company’));
/* Here custom code ends*/
return array(
'suggestions' => $suggestions,
'response' => &$response